Our Inheritance

July 16, 2023 Speaker: Keith Kneeshaw Series: Change

Passage: Joshua 12:1– 21:23

This sermon will lead us to the portion of Joshua which most people will skip over or skim quickly. Joshua 12 summarizes the conquests of the nation of Israel and Joshua 13-21 recount the allotment of the land to the various tribes. As you read these chapters, you will see the concept of their inheritance repeated over and over. While the inheritance is referring to the Promised Land, we will see that the notion of inheritance is a loaded theological term that gives us great hope. Just as Joshua 21:45 says, "Not one word of all the good promises that the LORD had made to the house of Israel had failed; all came to pass." Listen or watch as we take on yet another passage that most people rarely stop to ponder.

1) The Specific Details of God's Faithfulness
2) The Danger of Diminishing Fervor
3) The Preservation of a Faithful Witness

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The Promise of the Promised Land

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